Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gingerbread Decorations for Friday

Hello K Families!
On Friday afternoon, we will be decorating Gingerbread Cookies!!  We have already had some generous families volunteer to make the cookies and frosting, and we are in a need of a few more supplies for the decorations.  Here is what we need:

* sprinkles
* chocolate chips (and potentially other varieties)
* a package of paper bowls
* a package of plastic knives
* mini cinnamon candies
* mini marshmallows
* or other mini candies to decorate with

If you can donate something, please leave a comment below so that we don't have too many doubles.  Please send in the materials on Thursday, so that I can get them organized and purchase anything else we might need before Friday.

We will be decorating them after 2:00 pm on Friday, so if you would like to come by the classroom at that time, you are welcome!

Thank you!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Homework & Gingerbread

There is no homework tonight - we hope to see you at the Multicultural Festival from 6:30 - 8:00!

Thank you to Mrs. Carlson for offering to make us our gingerbread cookies next week! :)  Anyone willing to make us some frosting?
I will also send a donation list tomorrow for other items to decorate our cookies.  Thank you for your support!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Gingerbread Man Help

We have started a fun unit on the traditional story of the Gingerbread Man!  We will be reading many different versions of the traditional story and comparing them.  The Kindergartners really enjoy these stories, and we will be doing lots of activities centered around this theme.

I am hoping for a family volunteer to help out.  Many of the kiddos have not actually tasted traditional gingerbread cookies, and I would like to include cookie decorating and tasting as a part of our activities. But I am hoping for a family member to make the cookies for us for later next week.  We would also need frosting (without any exposure to nuts) - it could be store bought or homemade.  If you are willing to make either for us next week, please let me know as soon as possible (sangeorc@aaps.k12.mi.us).  I am sure your child would enjoy making them too!
Thank you for your support.

Click here for a fun reading computer activity to do at home.

And a video to watch!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Carpenter Multicultural Festival

I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you about the Multicultural Festival, coming up this Thursday from 6:30 to 8:00 pm.  This is a wonderful event in the Carpenter community.  Families bring cultural food, artifacts, and crafts to share and to celebrate our diversity.

I encourage you to come with your family!
I will be there helping with crafts, so I hope to see you there!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fire Safety!

We just finished a unit on Fire Safety.  And we learned a lot about how to stay safe.
So we wrote about it:

"If you see matches, bring it to an adult."

"Have a meeting place."

"Touch the door to see if it is hot."

"Wait by the window and stay there."
(We discussed this in the case that your child cannot get out of his or her bedroom.  The fireman can find you by the window."

We practiced Stop, Drop, and Roll in the case that you are on fire and crawling under the smoke.  We talked about never going back inside once you are out and leaving things behind.   I encourage you to talk with your child about what he/she learned and to reinforce these important fire safety rules.

We also learned about the parts of a fire truck that help the fire fighters fight the fire.  We watched this sing-along book video and the kiddos LOVED it!
Watch it at home again!

Then we drew and labeled the parts of a fire truck:

Our next field trip will be to the Fire Station and the plan is for January, when we return from Winter Break.  Although we learned a lot at school, there are some things you should do at home with your child.
1.  Locate the smoke detectors in your house and check the batteries.  Give your child the opportunity to hear what it sounds like.
2.  Make a plan for your home.  Talk about ways to get out of the house in case there is a fire.  If your child's bedroom has a high window, consider buying a collapsable latter to place below their window.  You might even practice different situations.
3.  Establish a meeting place for all family members to meet once they are out of the house.  We discussed waiting there no matter what.  It might be a tree, a neighbor's house, or a mailbox.  You should also practice going to this place.

December Book Orders
Your Scholastic December Book Orders went home last week and are due by this Wednesday!  That way they should be in by our break.  As your child becomes a reader in Kindergarten, books make great holiday gifts!  If you would like your order to be surprise gifts this month, just send me a note and I will find a way to get them to you secretly.  Happy reading!