Saturday, October 6, 2012

Carpenter in the News!

Check out Carpenter in the AAPS news for our Fun Run!  Click here!  Thank you for your fundraising efforts!  I just received two grants from our PTO for Math Work Station resources and Handwriting Without Tears resources, so your efforts really do go straight to our kids!

In the classroom, we have been talking a lot about the quality of our work and doing our BEST work!

Coloring is an important fine motor skill in Kindergarten.
Here is a chart from our classroom that helps us do our best -->

As your working at home with your child, discuss and hold his or her to these standards.  This will support important habits.

WOW-WEE!  Here is an example of a child doing his BEST work.  Take a look at this:
1.  Name is on his paper!
2.  Uses pencil to write his numbers!
3.  Neat work!
4.  Coloring in the lines, leaving no white space!
5.  Numbers his squares to count 9!!!

We always want our children to be doing their personal best.  Look at homework as a great opportunity to teach your child to excel.  One question we ask often in our classroom is, "How can I keep learning?"  It is clear this child asked himself that when he numbered the squares.

Keep up the good work!

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