Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Gingerbread Decorations for Friday

Hello K Families!
On Friday afternoon, we will be decorating Gingerbread Cookies!!  We have already had some generous families volunteer to make the cookies and frosting, and we are in a need of a few more supplies for the decorations.  Here is what we need:

* sprinkles
* chocolate chips (and potentially other varieties)
* a package of paper bowls
* a package of plastic knives
* mini cinnamon candies
* mini marshmallows
* or other mini candies to decorate with

If you can donate something, please leave a comment below so that we don't have too many doubles.  Please send in the materials on Thursday, so that I can get them organized and purchase anything else we might need before Friday.

We will be decorating them after 2:00 pm on Friday, so if you would like to come by the classroom at that time, you are welcome!

Thank you!


  1. We are happy to bring in sprinkles!

  2. We can send in some more sprinkles. Never have too many!!

  3. We are sending in some M&M candies to decorate.
