Thursday, September 26, 2013

We Keep on Learning!

Well, we just keep on learning in Kindergarten!

Here are some things we have been up to in math.

During Math Work Stations this week, we all learned a new game called "Match Me."  One student builds something with square colored tiles.  The other watches and then tries to build the same structure.

We also created our first classroom graph, using our birthday months.  We counted how many birthdays are in each month and created a title that makes sense for our graph:
Talk to your child about his/her birthday month and day.

We have also started to dig into learning our numbers in more detail.  Each day we have focused on a new number.  We have learned to write it and to show it in different ways (with our bodies, with sound,  with pictures, with a word, in a ten-frame, etc.).   We are each making our own number book:

To learn at home, play Simon says with different numbers.  For example, "Simon says jump 3 times," or "Simon says clap 4 times."  This helps your child to get a sense of what the number is worth.  You might even make your own number book at home together!

Each day I have given a homework page on the number, for reinforcement at home.  Please check BEHIND your child's behavior sheet for any homework assignments and RETURN homework to school when complete.  Thank you!

We have also started our Handwriting without Tears!  We learn first on chalkboards with "Wet, Dry, Try."  On Curriculum  Night I distributed sheets that explain the language we use when learning our letters and numbers.  Keep this handy and reinforce these letter formations at home. (If you need another copy, please let me know!)

Here are the letters we have learned so far:
NUMBERS:  1, 2, 3 and tomorrow will be 4

Please practice these at home with your child. You might use:
* paper and pencil
* dry-erase
* chalk
(I suggest using something that erases.)

MODELING is a useful strategy to use at home as well.  Click here to visit the website to see a video example and find the handy-dandy App for practicing at home :)

Scholastic Book orders are due TOMORROW!  This is a wonderful resource for purchases appropriate and interesting books for your child's library at home.  What better way to foster the love of reading?!

The easiest way to order books is to set up an account online.  Click here. (You can also find this in the sidebar).  We earn free books for our classroom!

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