Friday, November 15, 2013

Project this Weekend

Over the last month, we have been focusing on linking letters with their sounds.  Many of you have noticed these developments at home, which I love to hear!
We are also begining to work on making connections between words.  We can use what we know about familiar words to help us spell other words.  So, we brainstormed words that start like our names:

So, your child has homework this weekend! :)  Help your child brainstorm words that start like his or her name.  Then, draw or find pictures of things to turn into a project.  I have given you an explanation and example to go by, but please feel free to make the project bigger and better!   Your child should also practice writing the words (you may model this for them first on another paper OR help your child "stretch it out").  I look forward to seeing the projects next week!

Speaking of homework, I'd like to talk about what your child should have at home to support learning and completion of homework.
Here are some supplies you should have on-hand at home for your child:
* scissors
* glue sticks
* crayons and/or colored pencils
* pencils

Really want to foster learning at home?  Try these materials:
* whiteboard & dry-erase markers
* Play-Doh (you can use to build letters and words!)
* board games to play as a family
* post-its (write numbers or letters on them and put them in order!)
* notebooks and/or paper

I suggest keeping these materials in a specific location, that your child can access him/herself.  Get your child a special basket/container to keep his/her materials.  Or, decorate a large shoe box!

For your education:
Click here for ideas to foster writing at home!
Board Game suggestions:  click here and here and here

At the computer lab today, we learned a new game from called "Fuzz Bugs."  My, was it fun!  It is a sorting, counting and comparing game that works on a various math-based skills.  Click here to play at home!

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